Pictures in the best possible taste
Invigorate your walls with unique Illustrations
Fyxart is the gallery shop for Rupert's whimsical art.
From Aubergines to Xmas scenes, cheese eating Welsh dragons to WW1 canned rations, fairy cakes to full fry-ups and Canada's national dish, these pictures are recipes of the unexpected.
Each picture comes in a choice of two sizes. Printed on heavyweight paper and shipped anywhere on the globe.
Perfect for gifts or home décor, as single prints or a series.
Don't decorate your walls with anything less nutritious!
The complete compilation

About the artist
Rupert has been wielding pen and brush ever since he can remember.
From caricatures of classmates and teachers, to the subsequent lifelong stream of things sketched, imagined and observed. Scribbled onto menus and playbills, wedding service sheets, meeting agenda and bank statements, a veritable trail of imagination lies crumpled and discarded across the globe. The lucky ones made it into sketch books or frames.
Some people compose music, write novels, do sums in their head, dream of annexing neighbouring countries or sporting glory. Rupert draws and always has.
He’s done other things too: Climbed mountains, skied down them; sailed seas; driven tanks; built computers and designed websites. Made and drunk a lot of tea, is partial to G&T, likes porridge, toast with marmalade, bicycles and plays tennis. He enjoys discovery, irony, and is currently missing the wisdom of crowds.
He loves his family, friends and dogs.